Today's focus is the ever-wonderful, ever-engaging, ever stocked Seattle Art Museum. Call it SAM.
In short: 1300 1st Ave
Seattle, WA, 98101
206. 654. 3100.
Monday-Tuesday: closed
Wednesday and Sunday: 10-5
Thursday, Friday, Saturday (maybe Saturday): 10-9.
$15 adult, $9 student
Camera: No Flash, Tripods, or Movie/Video Camera's.
There are actually two main parts to the museum: the actual outdoor garden along the Seattle Waterfront...
photo from here.
And the SAM proper, along 1st Ave, just down the hill from Pike Place Market.
Photo from Here.
Among the more memorable displays at the museum are the Dog-Tag Chain-Mail (for the record, I've been told by several curators that these are not official dog tags, as in they were not taken from soldiers).
Photo from here.
The museum is just as much about actual art (mostly modern) as well as culture. There are Egyptian, Native American, Pacific Islander, African, and other cultures with examples in the museum. And there are examples of art from several different eras in the US and Europe.
One of the cultural displays I was partial to was the fine china room; a room filled top to bottom with extremely fine examples of fine china.
Photo from Here.
However, my favorite room is one that's a little hidden. It literally took me 3 visits to find it, and it's by far and away the best jewel in the museum. It is...the Italian Room...
Photo from Here.
Photo from Here.
The room, if I remember correctly, was actually cut out from a renaissance Italian Mansion and rebuilt board for board in the little nook of the SAM, including the original window, and features examples of Italian pottery and art in it. It's tiny but you can spend hours in it.
Rule #1: Do bring a CAMERA (not a camcorder or such) without flash! You will find an art piece that you want to remember, or inspiration for a tattoo, and there's nothing worse in these scenarios than being without a Camera.
Rule #2: Do pack light. I don't know why people feel the need to bring tons of stuff to the SAM. Luckily, there is a bag-check area on the first floor, make good use of it.
Rule #3: everyone there is a volunteer. Be nice: if I remember correctly, the Sam is run by the Seattle Gov. Everyone there is a volunteer, and they're there out of the kindness of their heart. Be good to them.
Rule #4: DO NOT CHEW GUM!!! It's a disgusting habit anyway. Unless you're trying to quit smoking and you're going to explode unless you smoke, do NOT chew gum; it distracts from the atmosphere of the museum.
Rule #5: Do keep your voice down. Unless you're teaching a class, there is no reason why your moment of euphoria should affect anyone else's.
Rule #6: DO NOT answer your cell phone: Do not want to hear your conversation. not. It's the biggest sign of poor breeding or rearing to talk on your phone in museum, restaurant, or any other place were the contents of the area should demand your attention over the phone.
Rule #7: Do eat at the SAM: It's catered by my old employer in Seattle, Bon Apatite Management Company. The food is sustainable, organic, flavorful, healthy, and excellent. You won't regret it.
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